Thursday, June 24, 2010

Easy Chicken Caesar Salad

The ingredients  for this Chicken Caesar Salad came from a lady I met while visiting my husband in Ft. Huachuca, Arizona last year. We were blessed to be able to spend a long weekend together. While I was there a friend of my husband and his wife had us over for lunch. They were newly weds and let me tell you not your typical couple. Those two acted as if they had been married 40-50 years yet they hadn't even been married a month! They definitely cracked us up with their antics. I remember the lady mentioning how she hates it when people tell stories because all she wants them to do is get to the end already! It made for quite an interesting lunch in which I learned a great deal about myself actually...all I seem to do is tell stories! Oh well at least this hopefully made for another good story. haha


1/2 box or 8oz of   penne pasta cooked 

2 cups  chopped cooked Chicken or 2 chicken breasts sliced  ( they sell pre made chicken in the meat section of your local grocery store)

1 bag of romaine lettuce or 1-2 romaine hearts

1 lemon

1 large Tomato diced

Creamy Caesar Dressing

Parmesan/ Romano Cheese


Boil pasta until al dente. While pasta is boiling cut romaine into nice sized bites. Then proceed on with dicing the tomato. Once pasta is finished and  water has been has been drained set  pasta aside. If you like your Chicken  Caesar Salad on the warmer side heat up the cooked chicken. If you prefer it cooler let pasta rest for a few minutes.Option one is when ready add chicken, 1/2  of pasta, romaine, dressing and cheese( until taste) lightly toss together. Then add  more pasta and place it on your plate. Afterwards squeeze  the lemon over salad.( keep it light when it comes to squeezing you can always add more). I like  to add a little freshly ground pepper over mine. The other option is to place everything on the plate and add dressing like in photo. Makes four side servings or two large dinner servings.

1 comment:

kenz said...

We ate this salad when we lived in Pcb. Oh how i miss this 1...sooo yummy!