Saturday, March 27, 2010


My Grandmother used to make these for Valentine's Day. She would shape them into hearts and send them to my sister and I in a cute little box. She was always so good about making sure we got it by that day. Years later I asked my Grandmother for the recipe and she wasn't sure where it went. So, it was much to my surprise when my Aunt made them on a trip back home one year. As you can imagine I was thrilled to find a little piece of my childhood again.


1c. sugar
1c. corn syrup
1 c. peanut butter
5-6 c. of rice crispies

1c. chocolate chips
1c.butterscotch chips

Dissolve sugar into syrup until fairly clear. Add peanut butter and mix. Then add rice crispies and mix again . Then put it in a lightly sprayed 9x13 pan. For the frosting I found taking the chips and placing them on a skillet on very low barely on heat seems to melt them the best. Make sure all of the chips can touch the skillet. Then stand by and watch allowing them to heat through on their own. Once they look mostly melted but yet still in shape then mix and pour over rice crispies. Easiest way to cut them is to let them stand for a bit then cut just before they get to hard.

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